Friday, September 12, 2008

Week 4

Wow! I am in utter amazement after watching the video. I knew we lived in an technological advanced world but I had no idea it was that advanced. I was shocked to hear that more than 70% of 4 year olds have used a computer,that is pre-school aged children. I think it is a wonderful advancement and that it will enable more children to get an education in some of the poorer countries. There are nearly 2 billion children live in developing countries and one out of three never complete the 5th grade.In 2005, the One Laptop per Child Project set out to provide laptops for these children. Some of the children that will receive a laptop have never even held a textbook but now with these laptops they will be connected to the world. Technological information is doubling every two years, but by 2010 is predicted to double every 72 hours.
What does this mean for education? There are students in China, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, and the USA, who are creating, applying, understanding, and collaborating on projects everyday. As future teachers we have to make sure that the students are provided the resources and training necessary to prepare them to be successful in the 21st century society. Not only do students need to access the internet for educational purposes, but just for everyday life. People shop online, and never leave their houses, use myspace as a way to communicate and keep in touch with people anywhere in the world, or use google to search for information on any subject imaginable. Knowing how to obtain information from the internet will be crucial for my student's education. I believe that Alabama is bringing technology into the classrooms, and preparing the students to have successful lives with programs such as ALEX ,ACCESS, and the AVL.

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